Stoke-on-Trent Schools - Independent & Preparatory

Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre, Buxton Road, Congleton, CW122DT

Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre, CW12 School - Independent & Preparatory Details

Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre
Buxton Road
CW12 2DT
Schools - Independent & Preparatory

Additional Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre Information


Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre is a business located in Congleton in the Schools - Independent & Preparatory category.

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School - Local Authority
0.25 miles
School - Local Authority
0.38 miles
School - Local Authority
0.60 miles
School - Local Authority
0.68 miles
School - Local Authority
0.78 miles
School - Local Authority
1.00 miles
School - Local Authority
1.24 miles
School - Local Authority
1.33 miles
School - Local Authority
1.62 miles
School - Local Authority
1.71 miles
School - Local Authority
1.90 miles
School - Local Authority
1.94 miles

Reviews for Lambs House-Education & Therapy Centre, Buxton Road, Congleton, CW12 2DT