Reading Childcare Services and Childminders

Jane Hillman (Bean Oak Childcare), Yarnold Close, off Plough Lane, Wokingham, RG401SD

Jane Hillman (Bean Oak Childcare), RG40 Childcare Service / Childminder Details

Jane Hillman (Bean Oak Childcare)
Yarnold Close
off Plough Lane
RG40 1SD
Childcare Services and Childminders

Additional Jane Hillman (Bean Oak Childcare) Information


My name is Jane. I am an OFSTED registered childminder. My last inspection was graded "Outstanding" for all aspects of care. I am registered to care for babies and children of all ages, including overnight care. I currently have a term time only part time vacancy or vacancies for daytime care and places for before/after school care either now or from September. I am CRB (police) checked (as is my husband) and have qualifications in paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene level 2 I am married with two friendly children of my own (both at school) and I already care for some lovely children. We have a large comfortable house and child-friendly and secure garden with facilities for all sorts of activities, games and crafts. We also make frequent trips out, including attending playgroups, parks, events and attractions. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your requirements or to arrange to visit - on 0118 9090871 or 07925 144193.

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Reviews for Jane Hillman (Bean Oak Childcare), Yarnold Close, Wokingham, RG40 1SD