London Florists

Mr Florist Barnes, Cross Street, London, SW130PS

Mr Florist Barnes, SW13 Florist Details

Mr Florist Barnes
Cross Street
SW13 0PS

Additional Mr Florist Barnes Information


Mr Florist Barnes are well known as the florist who invented the hand tied bouquet. Our current collection is about real flowers, nature and some of its most beautiful fragrances, whilst always trying to keep to our quintessentially British roots with an inspiring designer twist at every turn. Our designers however don’t just keep to our collections and we are always happy to hear your requests and will oblige whenever asked to no matter how big a request. The bouquets are, however, unmistakable reflections of Mr Florist Barnes and are, more than often, appreciated as such.

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Reviews for Mr Florist Barnes, Cross Street, London, SW13 0PS