Lochailort Guest Houses and B&Bs

Lochailort Inn, Lochailort by Fort William , Fort William, PH384LZ

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Lochailort Inn, PH38 Guest House / B&B Details

Lochailort Inn
Lochailort by Fort William
Fort William
PH38 4LZ
Guest Houses and B&Bs

Additional Lochailort Inn Information


The Lochailort Inn is a privately owned small hotel & bar set amidst the stunning scenery of the West Coast of Scotland. Clean comfortable accommodation locally sourced freshly made cuisine and friendly staff will ensure that you have a most relaxing stay.

Known to be open in the 1870s (and almost certainly much earlier as a drovers inn) the Lochailort Inn was rebuilt in the 1990s and refurbished in 2011. We feel it has kept its original character as a traditional Scottish Hotel but with all the modern amenities you would expect.

We like to pride ourselves on offering personal attention in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Whether it is for a quick drink or two in passing something good to eat or an overnight stay come and join us and see for yourself!

The Lochailort Inn is situated in a perfect location to explore the outstanding natural beauty of the Western Highlands of Scotland and scenic Islands beyond. With Loch Ailort and Loch Eilt both a stone s throw away plus the rugged hills of Moidart nearby. The Moidart hills alone boast over 30 lochans (small lochs) meaning plenty to explore for all.

The Small Isles of Rum Eigg Muck & Canna followed by the larger Isle of Skye and the famous Western Isles farther west still they are all easily accessible when travelling from Lochailort.

Reviews for Lochailort Inn, Lochailort by Fort William , Fort William, PH38 4LZ