Hastings Kennels and Catteries

Loveable Walks, 5 Laton Road, Hastings, TN342ET

Loveable Walks, TN34 Kennel / Cattery Details

Loveable Walks
5 Laton Road
TN34 2ET
Kennels and Catteries

Additional Loveable Walks Information


I set up Loveable Walks not only to fulfil my guilty pleasure, but also to provide a service for people who are unable to be at home with their pets during the day. I know first hand what it is like to have to trust someone else with your dog’s wellbeing and I wanted to create a service where your dog is looked after like my own, giving you peace of mind while you are away.

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Reviews for Loveable Walks, 5 Laton Road, Hastings, TN34 2ET