Bury St Edmunds Playgroups and Pre-Schools Education

Badwell Ash Under Fives, The Village Hall, The Street, Badwell Ash, IP313DG

Badwell Ash Under Fives, IP31 Playgroup / Pre-Schools Education Details

Badwell Ash Under Fives
The Village Hall
The Street
Badwell Ash
IP31 3DG
Playgroups and Pre-Schools Education

Additional Badwell Ash Under Fives Information


Badwell Ash under Fives is situated next to the village hall, We have sole use of both inside and outside facilities which included's an outside garden which has shelter so Children can access the outside in all weather conditions.

We offer Childcare for up to 24 Children aged between 2 years to 4 1/2 years

Opening Hours

9:15am-12:15pm Monday-Friday
12:15pm-1:15pm Lunch Club every Monday

Session Costs

£10:00 Admission Fee
£9:00 a Session

We offer free 2 year old funded places for 10 hours a week.
Every Child is eligible for FREE Childcare for 15 hours a week a term after your Child's first Birthday!

We would like to extend our opening hours to meet the needs of Parents/Carers for more information please contact Charlotte Poole (Pre-School Leader) on 01359 259004

Reviews for Badwell Ash Under Fives, The Village Hall, Badwell Ash, IP31 3DG