Birmingham Schools - Foundation

Colmers School & Sports College, Bristol Rd South, Birmingham, B459NY

Colmers School & Sports College, B45 School - Foundation Details

Colmers School & Sports College
Bristol Rd South
B45 9NY
Schools - Foundation

Additional Colmers School & Sports College Information


Colmers School & Sports College is a business located in Birmingham in the Schools - Foundation category.

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School - Local Authority
0.08 miles
School - Local Authority
0.08 miles
School - Local Authority
0.08 miles
School - Local Authority
0.29 miles
School - Local Authority
0.29 miles
School - Local Authority
0.48 miles
School - Local Authority
0.50 miles
School - Local Authority
0.72 miles
School - Local Authority
0.84 miles
School - Local Authority
0.87 miles
School - Local Authority
0.87 miles
School - Local Authority
0.96 miles

Reviews for Colmers School & Sports College, Bristol Rd South, Birmingham, B45 9NY